
How to avoid stress during wedding planning?

We all are human. Hence, it is okay to feel anxious, bothered, or even experience some stress on any special day. The same applies to your pre-wedding stress while planning things for the same day. The best you can do is; talk to friends and family or consult with professionals to help you ease pre-wedding worries and preparation.

These steps will help you relieve your stress during the (pre)wedding planning phase.

1) Make a Priority List

It would help if you had a priority list of all the majority of tasks to do. A wedding comes with numerous things to execute, plan, assign, outsource, and look after. Hence, a well-prepared list of priority tasks can ease your mind, pipeline them better, and help you overcome stress during wedding planning. 

Make sure your priority list contains all the tasks you can think of- because the last time surprise of any incomplete work may make you feel nervous or even vanish your entire preparation.

You can create a To-do list if you’re not sure of the priority of the tasks and start executing them one by one. It is also an excellent way to kickstart things.

2) Stick to Your Budget

While planning for the wedding, always try to stick to your budget. The reason is that you have to pay the bills at the end of the day. And, if things are messy, unclear, or ambiguous- you are creating unnecessary stress for yourself, which can be avoided easily otherwise.

Try to keep a rough idea of your possible expenses and then plan accordingly. If it comes under the budget basket, go ahead; otherwise, look for the other available options. 

Note: Keep a notebook to manage your expenses, or go for some apps to note your bills. It would help you remember payments with date, time, and place.

3) Consider a Wedding Planner

Wedding planners are experts in handling wedding-related things because they have already done such events before. So, their experience would certainly help you organize your wedding smoothly. Thus, minimizing your stress.

Usually, they come with a professional team for almost all the A to Z tasks. So, if your budget allows- keep a room for a wedding planner.

But, due to any reason, you can not go for a wedding planner- the best you can do is- delegate the tasks like decoration, catering, music, and other services to individual professionals for better and fast execution. 

You must know that you are there to enjoy the wedding, and it could only happen when you have assigned tasks to professionals to get done. 

4) Schedule Things Much Before

If your final big day is weeks or months away, you must start planning things now.

The earlier you begin, the better you finish. Utilize your available time to find the best possible option for the venue, catering, location, decoration, wedding planner, dress, and guest list. 

You can call up your guests and request them not to plan anything other than your special day! This extra time will also give them some room to plan their things for you as no one wants something in a hurry or panic. So you make them feel comfortable and avoid last moment rush for both of you.

The Final Thought

It is entirely okay to feel worried or stressed before your big day. But, being in a hurry, tensed, or in a confusing state of mind- will not make things easier for anyone. So take your time and instead, face your day with pride, love, and confidence- as this is the day you have been waiting for.  

Make a to-do list and assign them to a professional(s), or start doing it by yourself each day or when you have time. Take the help of your family & friends. Take some deep breaths in the early morning, do some yoga, and prepare positive affirmations to boost confidence. These steps will undoubtedly minimize your pre-wedding stress and relieve you from any pressure.

Most importantly PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Lol seriously prayer has a positive effect on your mental health. Some days you will need to pray and meditate or even enjoy a spa day to reduce the pressure that comes along with wedding planning but stay in hang in there!

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